Monday, August 23, 2010

A Special treat on a very Special night.

Yeah you read it right, I capitalized the S on Special. What a night.
Rodrigo y Gabriela have continually been one of my favorite acts since seeing them for Valentine's Day at the Fillmore in 2008. What a show that was. and they continued it all with last Friday's show here at Red Rock Amphitheater.
To quote my boy John Blumenshine over at BCauzIWasThere: "Heavy metal, played on classical guitars, by Mexicans, who got their start in Dublin."

A nice poster, albeit not an event one, just a Summer Tour 2010 poster:

Xavier Rudd opened with his new group Izintaba, and it was def an acoustic barrage with all the didj effects, and massive wind instruments and tribal drums and what not. Mystical energy was feeding the twirling hippies.

 Then came in Rod y Gab and they started strong and kept going, addressing issues and political stances along they way. That all came to a peak when Zach de la Rocha (Lead Singer/Rage Against the Machine) came out and spat Bombtrack with them. Wish I had a recording of that one, oh wait---

They finished off their set with an appearance from Al DiMeola. I honestly didn't even realize he was still alive, but I am well aware of his guitar playing. My old roommate Jeff Miller, an amazing guitar player himself, and I used to listen to This Is Jazz late into the night years ago. It was truly a treat, and I am seeming to have problems loading that one onto youtube....sorry guys

So amazing as it all was, I was able to get this little gem from one of the stage hands before they tore down

The setlist:

Damn right I'm framing it

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