Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Museum Glass is a high quality and high cost item that you can put into your picture framing. This is a perfect application of this glass as it is glare free and 99% UV free glass. With this Phish-Festival 8 3D poster by Pollock, the glare free really allows you to use 3D glasses and have the great effect intended in this special edition poster. This one had a great cutout for a pair of 3D glasses, Great idea Patrick!

Another upgrade to a standard picture frame is the ticket stub cutouts. It is a really cool way to put a personal touch to a showbill framing. 

There is much to be said about adding ticket stubs to posters. My phriend Nick Stock over at PhatPhlogBlog.Blogspot.com had a great post concerning this and had a couple examples. Click here to see that post, its a great one. 

 I used to think it wasn't the best thing to do to a poster, and I argued that from a design standpoint I think it is important to have tickets that match iin some way to the poster. But after completing this project, I may think differently. It looks great and I am happy with the results. What do you think? Comment away below

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