Tuesday, June 29, 2010

2 year anniversary of my first post!

Well then, how 2 years can really fly! I want to take the time to thank everyone for supporting me during the last two years on this blog.
To Emily, my beautiful wife, thank you for sitting through that 2 minutes it took to write that post two years ago to the day. My accomplishments have really been a product of your support, and I thank you.
To the readers, you all continue to amaze me with the persistent visiting of this blog. For me, blog reading is an essential part of my morning. With the fall of the newspaper industry and the rise of cloud computing, I feel that this one of the last true vehicles of the "voice of the american people". Thank you for letting my voice be a part of your coffee, shit and shave.
I know I know I haven't really been posting too much (once in the last two years to be exact) and you all have let me know that through all the comments, but man, life has been crazy! I sincerely hope that all of you continue to enjoy this blog and I feel that the steam is starting to build on this thing. Stay tuned and I think you will enjoy.

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