Monday, July 12, 2010

Neu Projects: Robert Crumb poster

Underground cartoonist R.Crumb developed many characters in the early 60's-70 and had a little comic that left a mark on american pop culture during that time. This one in particular:

The struttin' figure has been popularized by many and you see the strut in many of the Grateful Dead's art. 

This poster is pretty old and brittle and was mounted with a photo spray so that it will be permanently mounted, but it will put a preservation into the piece and actually will help the life of the paper.The comic "The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers" involved lots of stoner innuendo and had a great character named Freewheelin' Franklin. Well, Franklin was a wise man and Crumb had a small poster series called "Freewheelin' Franklin Sez" almost like a public announcement series to inform the public. Well, here you are. Such a great poster.

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