Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Best of Luck to Nick-aka PhatPhlogBlogger- for Summer Camp Counselor

If you are going to Summer Camp 2011 in Illinois, then you probably know about a little contest they are running for Summer Camp Counselor.
She Tilt My Frame's friend, Nick, runs a great music blog here in Colorado that really is one of the best ones I've seen out there.  Its called Phat Phlog Blog and if you are interested about a how you missed, or to relive one that you were at, his site is a must read. Check it out.
Well the two come together as Nick is a top 3 finalist and in my opinion, the one that is best qualified to bring you the experience of being the Summer Camp Counselor. I just sent in my vote and want to wish him the best. Nick, if you get the job all I want to say is  -- video blog.

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