Monday, August 30, 2010

Broken Glass?

Ever had a moment when you wanted to rehang all your framed posters? You pull them all down, and set them up against the wall only to have them slide and slap the floor when you walk away, shattering the glass? Ah yes, the floor slap has taken many sheets of glass to the grave. Its an easy fix though, and can usually be done same day. This frame needed a new sheet of glass and a little more support to keep it from flexing the glass since its such a large piece. 

But here it is, I wanted to get a picture before it went out the door:

E-mail me if you have any kind of preservation questions/tips. If you have thumbtack holes on an old poster, ther are ways to cover it with a mat in a frame. if you have stains, etc on your poster, I work in art restoration too. Save the posters of your youth. 

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